Monday, September 15, 2008

the daunting first blog...

friendship. family. faith. food. and yes, fashion!

...I know, it so sounds like a lame-o sermon. Perhaps I will be a pastor one day (gasp) and I need to get it out of me now. Definitely don't want the rock star kids running the other direction because of my lack-o-coolness factor. OK, beside the point...

this blog... a dedication. my amazing can-do-anything Mom, most-fun-friends Carolyn & Margaret, and my brilliant cousin, Dana... this blog might just feed your RSS with some fun fashion tips. I am forever grateful that you would be my guineas and trust my opinion.

...for my husband, Grant (who is the greatest God-lover ever), to my fox-hole sisters, Hannah, Jacque, Ashley and Chels, my mentors - John & Lisa Bevere - and many other heroes who long to see the truth of Jesus advance.

...and solely and surely, my food partner for life, Haggizzy. No doubt, she will get rewarded in heaven for introducing me to the finer things in life.

and finally, a toast to randomness {cling} why oh why is Google not friends with century gothic? I really cheating on my branded font!?!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

And, I get to be your first comment!

It’s a lot of pressure. After such a great first post the first comment should be something really pithy and remarkable.

But, "rock star" (with a knowing nod)…the little black dress of comments… might just cover it...

P.S. Thought Hagizzy would be on the DL. Thanks, Carlizzy, thanks a lot.

; )