Sunday, January 25, 2009


"It is a solemn thing, and no small scandal in the kingdom, to see God's children starving while actually seated at the Father's table."

Last Sunday my pastor preached on daily bread from the Lord's Prayer: give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11).

We can have God's presence and provision every day simply by intentionally partaking of this Heavenly fare. I believe it is so necessary for the highest possible fulfillment in life. Imagine what can flow from continually dining with this King.

Tozer reminds us that we have everything available to us - all of the time - yet we fail to indulge. He says changing that is a matter of conscious personal awareness... we must know He is.

God gives us access to partake in His Divine-EVERYTHING... what a life!

My soul’s treasure.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A.W. Tozer's Legacy

I am reading The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer, a short, 121-page book, which does not happen to be a quick read. It is packed with goodness.

Inspired by Psalm 42:1 "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." (KJV) , this book has become a journey and is painfully awakening. I am stirred to know God intimately-all the more. ('Cheers' to the word for 2009!)

So, Tozer's legacy? ..."quietness of soul"

It is the first words of the first page in the Preface (yes, Preface!) and I couldn't go on. Surely this is God's promise, will and desire for us all... to be still, as the Psalmist exhorts us.

"Too many have come to accept turbulence of soul as the norm and have ceased to seek God with their whole hearts."

Being still, experiencing peace and living with inner rest are things I have to be so intentional with. It does not come natural. Whether that is a result of the fallen nature (of mankind) or my crazy-driven personality, it does not matter... I must know God intimately so His presence and peace dictates the state of my soul - continually. I believe anything contrary separates me from the best life.

Painfully exposing... the human thirst for the Divine (subtitle).

Friday, January 9, 2009

a shout out...

Happy 2009!!

Twentyfourseven... I am forever grateful for this internship that helped shape the rest of my life. Apart from a 'never-say-no' work ethic, a foundation for an amazing marriage, and a passion for the best God-filled life, there are a few things Grant and I do as a result of those 10-months...
1. leave a place better than you found it
2. guys & gals lead best together

Last weekend Grant and I wrote our goals for 2009. We've done it every year. We set spiritual goals, health goals, marriage goals, financial goals and some goals to improve our home. And, probably some other goals that I am not remembering.

It's exciting! We will revisit them throughout the year.

Good stuff.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jim Carrey & God whispers

I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas over the holiday with some friends and I was a bit annoyed. Movies like that, although enjoyable for some, are on the obnoxious side for my taste.

Gosh, I sound super Grinch-y.

Anyways, I was sitting there partly engaged ready to be distracted by anything else when I heard the Holy Spirit whisper...

This year will be marked by INTIMACY.

I wasn't praying or really even thinking about God in that moment. I was perplexed. God just invaded my world.

INTIMACY! I cannot comprehend all God intends that word to mean for me this year but I think it will include a revelation of God's love... and in turn, a deeper love for Him.

I hope this is my Sacred Echo of 2009! Bring it.

I took a trip in October last year and upon returning it hit me... LOVE. I must know His love more than anything, or anyone, in my life. It must be center, core, chief... all that great stuff. It isn't yet...

Humbly I believe I am here for great purpose. To help, give, change, create, resolve, build... on both a small and grand scale.

But, how can I do that if I cannot love the person at the grocery store. Or the cute old man who walks in front of my house every day. How can I be a world changer if I am not yet a individual changer... a people lover?

Make sense?

So, this year... INTIMACY. It has to include LOVE. Because intimacy is the overflow or the expression of love, right?

It can't just be head-knowledge but true, revelatory change within.

Lord, I must know this love.

For that is the key to greatness, I believe.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I just finished taking down all the festive decor around my house. It was weird... like a slight grieving awakened within. Not because the beautiful twinkling lights everywhere will be tucked away for another year but rather the realization that something is over... the passing of a year... the ending of a season.

I guess I feel a slight loss simply because there is so much to be grateful for. I want to be sure I have treasured it worthy enough to end.

2008, for me, was a year about learning and growing. I realized, this year more than ever, that finding contentment isn't necessarily about being wildly-in-love with the season you are in(although at different times in the year, I was) but allowing your soul to be at rest in all things. Allowing God's grace and presence to lead your everyday, fill your inner being, and cause you to live in the 'now'... as opposed to the 'tomorrow' which is a great place to look at but not to live in.

I think that was the major takeaway for me in 2008.

Yet, with the ending of one thing comes the beginning of something new. And that's always exciting. Who knows!? Maybe some of the greatest people in my life will get married, have babies, move to fabulous places, get promoted... so much to anticipate celebrating.

(*Sigh*) I pray the truths marked in my heart this year remain, grow and live on. I believe it.

Good night 2008.