Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jim Carrey & God whispers

I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas over the holiday with some friends and I was a bit annoyed. Movies like that, although enjoyable for some, are on the obnoxious side for my taste.

Gosh, I sound super Grinch-y.

Anyways, I was sitting there partly engaged ready to be distracted by anything else when I heard the Holy Spirit whisper...

This year will be marked by INTIMACY.

I wasn't praying or really even thinking about God in that moment. I was perplexed. God just invaded my world.

INTIMACY! I cannot comprehend all God intends that word to mean for me this year but I think it will include a revelation of God's love... and in turn, a deeper love for Him.

I hope this is my Sacred Echo of 2009! Bring it.

I took a trip in October last year and upon returning it hit me... LOVE. I must know His love more than anything, or anyone, in my life. It must be center, core, chief... all that great stuff. It isn't yet...

Humbly I believe I am here for great purpose. To help, give, change, create, resolve, build... on both a small and grand scale.

But, how can I do that if I cannot love the person at the grocery store. Or the cute old man who walks in front of my house every day. How can I be a world changer if I am not yet a individual changer... a people lover?

Make sense?

So, this year... INTIMACY. It has to include LOVE. Because intimacy is the overflow or the expression of love, right?

It can't just be head-knowledge but true, revelatory change within.

Lord, I must know this love.

For that is the key to greatness, I believe.